Orisha are guardian spirits. The Lucumi Yoruba believe in one Higher Power. They call him Olodumare. They believe that each person has a Guardian Spirit called an "Orisha". Orisha are aspects of the Supreme Being that are manifested as forces of nature. When Yoruba slaves were brought to the New World they brought their beliefs with them. This belief system is known as Lukumi in Cuba, and Puerto Rico, though it is often referred to as "Santeria". These beliefs are known as Candomble in Brazil, and Shango Baptist in Trinidad.
Click on the names of the Orisha below to read more about individual Orisha.
If you are interested in become a part of the religion, or doing a paper for school, you may want to read the FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions) about Orisha worship. Suggest strongly if you want to practice this faith you read Advice to Newcomers To learn more about Orisha you can also go to our links page where you will find many related websites with additional information and in-depth reading materials I am currently working on a page of herbs and plants used in both Orisha and Palo traditions in the New World.
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