Iyún Asé Orin
Choral Group of the Ilê
Axé Omin
The Choral group project started after the publication in 2001 of two books - both by Dr. Jose Flavio Pessoa de Barros which included cds of sacred music sung in Yoruba by Lucinha Pessoa and some godchildren of the Ilê Axé Omin. The book project brought about the desire to spread the knowledge of Yoruba music in Brazil, and the choral group was formed.
I attended several rehearsals of the group and a performance at a Conference on Afro-Brazilian religion and the environment (see pictures from the conference on the next page), where the choral group received a standing ovation.
Iya Ile Lucinha Pessoa practices her solo
choral practice session
singers taking a break
male singers smile for my camera
Aduni Benton, Production Director
the drummers practice with the group
Group performance at the Cultural Center of the Federal Justice Department June 8, 2006
Next : Conference on Sacred Spaces